Thursday, 12 February 2015

An exciting discovery

In December I had coffee with a colleague I haven't seen in a few years and she told about the Emerging Women Company and I have to say that I am really inspired by this.  From the moment I saw their slogan "Live the truth of who you are," I was hooked.  I love the concept and I love what they do.  I was also really excited to read about their power circles. 

Here is the write up on their website page 

'Emerging Women exists to support and inspire women to express themselves authentically through the work that they do. We strive to provide the tools, knowledge, and network to help women lead, start and grow businesses in a way that integrates feminine values such as connection, collaboration and heart. It is our desire that women have a strong voice in the shaping of our world's future.'

I am hoping to go to their Emerging Women Live Conference in San Francisco in October (I'm putting it out there) as Elizabeth Gilbert and Brene Brown are the main speakers.  What a team!  Check it out. 

I hope you find some podcasts, blog posts, insights and videos that will inspire you too.


  1. very interesting. wish I could join you but will search podcasts and the like. Remind us all again closer to

  2. Are you SERIOUS Pasci, you are really going? Oh my goodness that would be so absolutely awesome!!!
