Friday, 19 July 2013

On my bookshelf

These are the books I am currently or have just finished reading ...

I really enjoyed Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.  Her parenting method is definitely extreme in our western society, but I loved some of her thinking. For instance, the idea of not pushing your child or allowing them to give up on something, amounts to not fully believing in their total potential.  Gives one some food for thought!

Broken Open was just beautiful.  I loved the real life stories, the beautiful quotes and poems, the sharing and the insights.

I am still in the early pages of Destiny of Souls and I am quite drawn to it with my dad having just passed on.

Then, The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte came about because we had finished reading The Artist's Way, and one of our group saw this book and inside it said something about this book being "the bad ass version of The Artist's Way" so we decided to move onto that.  We have only just completed 2 chapters, but I am really really enjoying that too.

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