Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Living In My Zone of Genius

I came across Lisa Sonora's website through a friend's blog and I absolutely fell in love with this journal page of hers.  For years I have been working with and delving into what my strengths and joys are, or as she so beautifully words it, 'zone of genius', and I just love how she has made such a powerful, encouraging and inspiring commitment  to herself and the world.

As I have mentioned before, I firmly believe that in following your joys and committing to them, you are serving the world in the biggest way possible, for that is where your genius lies and through your genius, others can but only benefit.

Yet it is hard for so many of to allow that genius to surface.  I think the ego comes up with so many creative obstacles that block the path and that magnificent genius that resides in all of us just keeps lying there, dormant beneath the ice, waiting for its opportunity to shine.  I have definitely found that with my writing.  There are always so many other things that just 'need' to get done and then there are also the bigger life events that slow us down; while time then just keeps ticking along.  So I feel inspired and motivated by Lisa's magnificent commitment to her genius!

I have signed up for her 30 day journal project which looks like a whole lot of fun.  Maybe it's something for you too? 


  1. so glad you found her. your page looks great!

    1. Thanks Britta!! I am loving the 30 day journal - a little behind, but catching up!! So pleased I found her on your blog.
